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Who is the Chosen One? | A Star Wars Theory

Who is the Chosen One?

In the Star Wars Rebels Episode Twin Suns, Obi-won Kenobi refers to Luke Skywalker as the chosen one. This can be supported by when Ben Kenobi’s Force Ghost says, “That boy is our only hope” to Yoda in the Empire Strikes Back. So is Luke the Chosen One?

According to George Lucas, No, Anakin is the Chosen One. However, since Disney is now in charge of Star Wars this could change, but lets first operate under the assumption that Anakin is the Chosen One. There is plenty of evidence to support this.

  1. His High Midi-chlorian count.

  2. In the Mortis arc of the Clone Wars he was able to control both the Son and the Daughter. Representations of the Dark Side and the Light Side respectively.

  3. He Destroys the Jedi Order

  4. After Ben Kenobi’s Force Ghost stated, “That boy is our only hope,” Yoda responded with, “there is another.”

  5. He renounces the Sith and kills the Emperor.

  6. George Lucas and Qui Gon Jinn said so.

I would like to say that Yoda’s statement in the Empire Strikes Back could be interpreted as referring to Leia, but Anakin is equally likely.

If Anakin is still the Chosen One, then why does Obi-won Kenobi believe that Luke Skywalker is the Chosen One. Simply put, look at what Obi-won has been through. The Return of the Sith, the Clone Wars, Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side and becoming of a Sith. Plus Yoda said that the prophecy may have been misinterpreted. It is reasonable to say that after all that, Obi-won believed that Luke would be the actual Chosen One.

Now let us assume that Anakin is not the Chosen One. If Anakin is not the Chosen One, then Luke has to be the Chosen One. Here is the evidence to support this idea:

  1. Obi-won Kenobi believes Luke Skywalker to be the Chosen One (and so does Maul to a certain extent, but not by name).

  2. He turns his father away from the dark side and the Sith, leading to the destruction of the Sith.

  3. Personal Balance? Meaning, Is Luke searching for Personnel balance in the force, not just galactic.

While this is not much evidence, it does assume that the prophecy was likely misread. The actual text of the prophecy is unknown even to the Jedi Order. They believe that the prophecy means that there will be a Jedi who will destroy the Sith and restore balance to the Force.

In my personnel head-canon, the prophecy was greatly misinterpreted. In my opinion, there were two parts of the prophecy, the literal and the personnel. Anakin brought literal balance to the Force, That is he destroyed both the Sith and the Jedi Order. The Jedi with the Jedi Purge reducing the number of Jedi masters left to 2 with that being the same number as the number of Sith Lords. Then Anakin destroyed the Sith after leaving his identity as Darth Vader and leaving Luke as the last Jedi after the deaths of Ben Kenobi, Yoda and himself. This is were the personnel part come in. Luke will be looking for personnel balance in the Force.

In Star Wars canon, the Force wants balance. So it is logical to assume that the force would want to have the two groups that disrupt the balance to no longer be and desires for all users to find personnel balance in the force.

Jonathan Berry


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