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Political Satire Today, Alternate History Tomorrow

Last week, I was scrowling through Twitter, and I stumbled across this Washington Post Article, Thousands of furious Trump fans can’t stop visiting a website that pretends Clinton won.

The article talks about a satirical website,, and people’s opinions regarding that website. The website pretends that Hillary Clinton won the Presidency instead of Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election. Conservatives, have called the website “fake news” and a place for liberals to seek “refuge from reality.” The Washington Post described the website as, “a parody-based parallel universe whose creator intended for it to serve as a trap for Trump supporters online, with a mocking masthead that says: ‘President Hillary Rodham Clinton.’” The creator of the website informed the Washington Post that, “her conservative critics are partially correct: Hillarybeattrump is meant to serve as a refuge from reality for liberals.” Then she went on to say, “mostly, it’s a chance to troll the opposition whose party actually won the presidency.” Though, the reaction of ‘liberal’ media is missing from the article.

I however, do not want to get too much into the actual politics surrounding the website. I want to talk about its purpose. Its reason for being. The creator, may have addressed it when speaking with the Washington Post, but that is only why she created it, not its future purpose for its life. No what it can become.

Today, the website is a political satire site. Today, it is called fact news. Today, it is a liberals dream. Tomorrow, it is what? Tomorrow, it can be more than it is. Tomorrow, it can become something. Tomorrow, it will be alternate history. In fact, today it is alternate news. Today, it is alternate facts. Today, it is an alternate reality.

In the process I use for Alternate History, I look at the ‘What if?’ I use by historical knowledge of what happened, what people wanted, to figure out what could have happen. I can use hindsight and my knowledge of similar events that turned out differently, to predict what could have happened it the event had been different.

The website, does this a different way. It does not have hindsight. The website creates articles day by day, as if it is happening concurrently with our time. (If parallel universes are real, what the website is describing is happening in some parallel universe). The website is using the principles of alternate history, to create an alternate reality.

Today, the website is political satire. Today, conservative consider it fake news. Today, it is alternate news and facts. Tomorrow, it will still be political satire. Tomorrow, it will be alternate history. In the future, alternate historians, looking to develop, a “what if Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election?,” will be able to look to this sight as inspiration.

My only complaint about, is that it does not clearly acknowledge itself as not reflective of reality. Though, one would have to have been sleeping under a walk for the past 6 months, to not realize that it is not reflective of reality. Or they are super gullible.

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Washington Post Article:


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