JonBerry555 Studios

I'm JonBerry555, real name Jonathan, I run a YouTube channel and an Utreon Channel that releases multiple videos a week discussing, reviewing, and theorizing about my favorite fictional franchises. Franchises I cover in my videos are Star Wars, Harry Potter, many Disney properties, and occasional Star Trek.
Who Am I and What do I do
I'm JonBerry555, real name Jonathan, I run a YouTube channel that produces weekly videos discussing, reviewing, and theorizing about my favorite fictional franchises. Franchises I cover in my videos are Star Wars, Harry Potter, many Disney properties, and occasional Star Trek.
I was first exposed to Star Wars in the second grade, when my friend brought in a Bob Fett Action Figure, but that did not really spark my interest. Neither did my friend wearing a Episode III Clone Trooper costume for Halloween in the Fourth Grade. What got me into Star Wars occurred the Summer before The Clone Wars aired on Cartoon Network.
Each summer my Church would hold a congregation-wide camping trip. That summer I rode in a different vehicle separate from my parents and grandparents. The vehicle I was in had a DVD player built in and they put on Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi to pass the time for the passengers.
Not that long afterwards in 2008, The Clone Wars came out and I finally had new Star Wars content to enjoy. By that time I had already gone and watch all the movies, starting reading the junior novels and playing the Lego Star Wars video games. But I had no new content out for me, I was not yet old enough to read the Adult Novels and I was still much too young for some of the other video games, plus I was much a gamer back then. Then the Clone Wars came out and I had new Star Wars content to enjoy.
I would come home from school, finish my homework and eagerly await the next episode. My family and I also recorded it so that I would watch it on the weekend If I did not managed to watch it the day it came out. The Clone Wars became my Star Wars. It was my Star Wars Story. And then Disney purchased LucasFilm and Star Wars in late 2012 and it was announced that the Clone Wars was to be cancelled and the last season would be the fifth season. I was not happy about it. At the time (still being in middle school) I was convinced that Disney would ruin Star Wars. That was also about the time I started getting into YouTube as a viewer and the Star Wars videos I was watching then only reinforced my misconception.
My opinion has since change. For one, I have gotten into the expanded universe and the vast quantity of books and video games to enjoy and then the new content started to come out. I was nervous about Rebels at first, but I found myself enjoying it. And then was the feeling of giddiness I experienced when I saw my first Theatrical release of a Star Wars movie with The Force Awakens.
Besides being a Star Wars Fan, I'm also a mild Potterhead and Trekkie (I don't like the term Trekker). I had gotten into Star Trek before Harry Potter. When it was, I really don't remember, but I do know it was after I had gotten into Star Wars and It was one episode of The Original Series that truly and properly introduced me to Star Trek. That episode being Season 3 Episode 14 "Whom Gods Destroy."
As for Harry Potter, I got into that Fandom quite recently. In early 2018, i made the decision to read the Harry Potter Books and watch the films. So it was in Summer 2018, I started reading the Harry Potter Books and after reading the books, I watched the films. I was sorted into Ravenclaw House when I took the Pottermore Sorting Quiz. My patronous is a black and white cat. My wand would be Vine wood with a Unicorn hair core 10 ¾" and Hard flexibility. Lastly my Ilvermorny House is Horned Serpent. I have videos for those on my channel.
When I first started out on YouTube, my channel logo was not that great. My previous design was let's just say was terrible. This is the fourth version of my current logo design. The first version was a Stormtrooper helmet on a red background with the Starfleet Logo above the right eye (viewer view). When Harry Potter began to get more attention than Star Trek on the channel, I replaced the Starfleet Delta with a design representing Harry Potter. Another change came when I took the Pottormore sorting quiz and I changed the background from red to blue to represent my Hogwarts House.
However, given that I have not made any Harry Potter content since I reviewed the books; in February 2021 brought the Starfleet Delta back, but moved it to other side and added a "555" on the side the Starfleet Delta was originally on to better identify the logo with myself. Given that Disney is becoming a more important part of my channel, I did consider adding Mickey Mouse ears, but it just did not look right, so I left them out of the logo.